
Checkpoint Passthrough participants No longer racing Passthrough pending First participant time Last participant time
Start 169 0 0 Sat 06:00 Sat 06:00
LA BERRUGA 165 0 4 Sat 06:02 Sat 08:26
km 10 165 0 4 Sat 06:02 Sat 08:31
LA MOLINA 167 1 1 Sat 07:20 Sat 09:01
km 20 163 2 4 Sat 07:37 Sat 10:46
CAMBA 165 2 2 Sat 08:24 Sat 11:03
km 30 154 8 7 Sat 08:56 Sat 15:28
CULIEMBRO 154 8 7 Sat 08:56 Sat 15:34
JULTAYU 149 13 7 Sat 09:44 Sat 18:40
km 40 148 13 8 Sat 09:44 Sat 20:31
VEGA DE ARIO 148 13 8 Sat 09:44 Sat 20:31
ENTRELAGOS 147 13 9 Sat 09:44 Sat 20:31
km 50 146 14 9 Sat 09:44 Sat 20:37
PORRA DE ENOL 146 14 9 Sat 09:44 Sat 20:37
ENTREPEÑAS 145 14 10 Sat 09:44 Sat 21:56
km 60 145 14 10 Sat 09:44 Sat 22:49
DEMUES 145 14 10 Sat 13:52 Sat 23:11
Finish 120 15 34 Sat 14:22 Sat 22:55

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